Tel: 020 8644 8317
I am open with all the correct covid precautions in place

Hello, I'm Phil McNulty, I use my training and experience to help resolve acute and chronic problems whether they result from work, sport or daily living. I treat a range of acute and chronic problems stemming from the musculoskeletal system using mainly hands on osteopathic methods, acupuncture when needed and remedial exercises along with the appropriate advice for reducing the strain on the body. I have extensive experience treating work-related issues, encompassing everything from accidents and lifting injuries to office and computer related strains.
​Originally a biologist at Southampton University, I graduated in osteopathy from The London School of Osteopathy in 1997 with a student of the year award. I joined the Pattinson Clinic in Richmond a year after graduation, learning skills in Orthopaedic Medicine from Dr Brian Pattinson. I currently practice here in Cheam and in Richmnond.
I also consult for The Dorchester Hotel, 45 Park Lane, Coworth Park and The Dorchester Collection treating their staff for work related injuries and some of their guests when needed.
I have trained in martial arts for more than 40 years and have reached instructor level in three different styles. In addition I have studied qigong, meditation and Traditional Martial Arts medicine skills which I sometimes incorporate into treatment when relevant.
The General Osteopathic Council.
(formerly the Britich Osteopathic Association).
Education & Training
The London School of Osteopathy
Graduated as an osteopath
Renshu College of Chinese Medicine
Certification in acupuncture
Honours degree in Biological Sciences
Continuing Professional development